> Milky Way in different filters
This is a comparison of my not modified Pentax k5 DSLR and the same, but modified one without IR-cut filter.
Removing the IR-cut filter not only increase sensitivity by 1-2 stops, but also slightly increase the resolution as the IR light (despite not being that much detailed) pass trough the byer RGB mask without filtering.
Below we can see a shot with UHC-s filter as well, witch give us best contrast and brightness of the H-alpha objects as Lagoon nebula (M8). Thus it needs the longest exposure 120s against 60-90s for the other filters. You can see the beautiful Galactic horse dark nebula on the shots :)
You no more need large sensors and heavy equipment to do good general photos. The recent development of image sensors put silicon chip capabilities to it's limit by
Knowing what you are looking for is more then half way to achieving it. Breakthrough Listen is a SETI kind of project that listen for artificial signals from 1700 nearby stars up to 160 light years.
Some shots from Sofia. A very bright sky place. Zenith sky brightness info (2015): SQM 19.13 mag./arc sec2 Brightness 2.41 mcd/m2, Artif. bright. 2230 μcd/m2, Bortle class 6.
It is very important how you manage your data. So much shots, so much frames. They are full of hidden data that could be revealed later. The far we look the more we see. Each feint dot could be a galaxy far far way.
Nowadays we are so into the globalization and technologies, that I can submit observation plan to a remote, professional observatory at the other part of the word!