Lucky imaging is the next step to high resolution images
Atmosphere is the worst nightmare of the ones, who would like to get hight resolution images. Small telescopes can not have adaptive optics but could benefit of there small aperture and the statistical chance to get a clear view for a fraction of a second. The best fit for this is aperture of 100 - 150 mm. It is like being on the bottom of a pool and looking up. You will see a blurred view but for a fraction of a second you have a chance to get a clear view and you could catch this exact moment.
Generally it should be between 10 milliseconds to 2 second depending on the elevation and the state of the atmosphere.
How to estimate it? Record a video and count how much frames is it take before the image change.
For example if you have a change each 10 frames and you shoot 20 frames per second, then you have half a second clear view and your exposure best be set to 0.5x2/3=0.33s. You could use 0.5s of course, but you will have to discard more frames as you are not sure as the state change will be in sync with the exposure interval. For star system use the lowest exposure that you could and for deep sky the highest.
This is image of Almak with my 3 small telescopes in comparison. You could see the differences of the oprical system and how their diffraction limitation looks like:
Also SharpCap software have live stack functionality that can stack only frames that are above predefined focus quality FWHM. Witch is best for deep sky. This one is taken under bad seeing conditions due to wind:
Here is Jupiter with Vixen VMC 110L. No post-processing
The best thing is that you do not need precise equatorial mouth or autogiding to do that. You need a high speed, low noise, high QE camera that is now becoming cheeper as the advance of the sensor development. More on this topic will come this year as this will be the primary development of my largest telescope SW200pds!
To check the polar alignment of your telescope look trough the polar scope. When turning the Ra axis the polar star should move in the exact circle in the eyepiece without any deviation.
Removing the DSLR build in IR-cut filter will give you at least 50% more sensitivity for hydrogen alpha emissions of the nebulas. Also the camera will be more light sensitive at dark allowing you to shoot more faint objects.
We can check what is like to process day shot with similar to astrophotography techniques. It is cloudy in Bulgaria for the next week or so and I took shots of the nearby mountain trough the fog with 200mm lens.
Most of the modern LED backlight screens including Laptops, TV and smart phones use PAM technique for Pulse-amplitude modulation. This means that they switch on and off state very rapidly.
Having a video background gives you a lot of expression and dynamics to your site.
There a few ways to put your video as a background of your page layout.