Web development

> How to quick attach a background video in Drupal

  • Posted on: 4 November 2015
  • By: tihomiry

Having a video background gives you a lot of expression and dynamics to your site.
There a few ways to put your video as a background of your page layout.
1. Use Drupal video background module or similar. The thing is that it uses html 5 player and support only local video files. Also there is a limitation of 5Mb with make this quite useless.
2. Use a ready theme with a background video. This is the easiest way, but I did not find a good free one. There are some paid one that could be good choice.


While cleaning up my PC I found sequences of shots of Virgo galaxy cluster taken during springs of the last 2 years. Those were attempts to shot this object, but I was not satisfied with the result and left them.

I recently bought a pocket spectroscope for laboratory use. You can find it at Ali for 5$. It is with glass prism and well build. So I did some test to use with a telescope but did not

http://www.deepskywatch.com/deep-sky-hunter-atlas.html This is an amazing resource. Detailed atlas of all the sky with NGC and IC objects.

Reading a new product that claims to be 100x time more powerful then conventional telescope, I realise that this is just an astrograph with a digital camera that is doing stacked images and show them trought eyepiece or App.

I am so impressed with the K5 ability to quickly gather signal from nebulas (Quantum efficiency) and galaxies, so I decide to take one more K5 and to remove the IR-cut Filter of the old one.
